3 Reasons Why We Launched 'Ghosts of the Desert'
Welcome to our mystery-thriller-horror publishing imprint.
Welcome to the Ghosts of the Desert Substack, an offshoot of our main
Substack! As our company moves into full swing publishing all different kinds of fiction, we've realized that some of our genre titles really deserve their own apartment! So Ghosts of the Desert will be a home for mysteries, psychological thrillers, and other spooky or supernatural stories!Why
1. Ghosts of the Desert is home to titles by , , and . The debut book will be Tanous’s mystery-thriller The Secret of Fátima, e-book available for pre-order now and releasing on April 22.
We'll remind you (but we won't spam you) to keep an eye out for upcoming titles from our other masters of the spooky and mysterious!
2. We want to offer a home for our readers who may not be interested in our established fare.
If you're not on Substack to read political criticism or to participate in activism, that's fine! And if you are, well, maybe you'll want to take a break sometimes. That's where Ghosts of the Desert comes in! You'll find no politics or advocacy here! And anyway, that stuff can sometimes be too scary even for Ghosts of the Desert.
3. Through this imprint and our Substack, we will explore the subjects and themes that have most inspired our books: the supernatural, crime, and mysteries.
Is there “another side" of earthly reality - something intangible, but very much able to affect things here, on this side? Is there a curtain we can cross to get from here to there - and if so, what happens on the other side of the veil? And what happens when that veil gets pulled aside?
We don't know! But we love a good scare - so much so that, we realized, sometimes the freaky stuff we can't exactly explain is so interesting that we forget to be scared! Instead, we've found ourselves poring over our favorite mysteries, creepy histories, and other things that go “bump” in the night feeling fascination, not fright.
If you're like us, you know how delicious it is to fall into a convincing, scary tale that can't be proven - and can't be disproven, either. And you'll never have a dearth of peculiar, profound, and puzzling pieces to consider at Ghosts of the Desert as we share our own spiritual, supernatural short stories, real-life narratives, and mind-bending mysteries - for it isn't just the supernatural that can be hair-raising! There are all kinds of earthly intrigues we'll explore here, as well.
In short, we'll give you goosebumps!
We will publish original fiction and nonfiction essays by both our author team and invited contributors.
You can read excerpts here from our upcoming books.
We’ll offer excerpts and serializations from classic, public domain texts in these genres
Writings about ghosts, spirits, and other supernatural phenomena
Profiles on unsolved crimes, historical crimes, and contemporary crimes
Film: explorations in classic cinema in the film noir, thriller, mystery and horror genres
- and will serve as co-editors for this Substack. Visit for the publication Sally edits. Check out , , and for the ones that David edits.
Subscribe to our other imprints and Sally’s humor blog: